To lead a stress-free life is a matter of habit. Living a stress-free life does not mean not having stress.

It just means that one can develop some strategies to cope with problems and lead a stress-free life.

Research suggests that you are a night owl.
If you get up before sunrise and you get 9 hours sleep, make it 10 hours.
This will give you a more restful night sleep and a more restful day.

Get more exercise

A recent study of university students found that the men that got
the most sleep did the least exercise compared to the men that got less sleep.
Getting more exercise might help you sleep better.
It could also help you wake up more quickly after you wake up from your nap.

Eat healthy

Eating right could help you stay healthy and it could help you wake up faster and increase your fitness level.
Go for fruits and vegetables instead of junk food.
Make sure you do not eat more than you can comfortably chew and swallow.

Get rest

Make sure you rest even if it is only for an hour every day.
You should try to go to sleep as soon as you wake up.
The earlier you sleep, the better your sleep pattern is likely to be.
You might find that your mind is clearer and you can solve problems quicker.

Get more sleep

Make sure you do not go to sleep before the body needs it.
Your body needs time to repair itself and restore itself.
If you go to sleep before your body needs, you will be groggy as you will have a lot of energy for tackling the day.
You will also be tired all day long.
There is a reason why teenagers need to sleep every night. It is for the body to recover and replenish.
They do not need to wake up tired in the afternoon.
Living a stress-free life


Meditate and go within yourself to the quiet of your heart.
Let it settle, relax and become still. Give yourself time to let go and surrender.
You might not see results immediately, but the results will be beneficial.


Play with yourself, have fun. If you do not have a lot of energy, play volleyball or checkers. Let yourself have fun.


Laughing is healing. Laughing will help you recover faster.
Laughing is a natural antidote to stress. Do it often and it will work.
It will remove stress and allow you to rest better and recover faster.

Meditate again

Do not worry. Go within yourself to the quiet of your heart.
Let yourself meditate again. This time, allow your mind to settle, relax and become still.

Meditate again

But this time, allow your mind to work and reason with you.
Think logically. Do not let your mind control your thoughts, stop them.
Let your mind talk. Do not allow it to think for you. Just allow it to talk. Think what it wants, just let it talk.

Play with yourself

Let yourself have fun. It is a way for you to relax, restore yourself and rest.
Play a game, but it is important that you know what you are doing.
Otherwise you will be unable to recognize when it is time to stop.


Laughing is a stress-buster.
Let yourself laugh, but do not hold onto that laugh for too long.
It is better to let yourself laugh, than to continue to laugh for a long time.

 Eat better

It is important to eat better. Your body needs nourishment, so that it can function better.
It will absorb nutrition better and faster if it is healthy. So feed yourself better.


If you cannot meditate, then at least take few moments every day to sit and think.
It is the best thing you can do for yourself. Just allow your mind to settle, relax and be quiet.
Think positively. Assess yourself. Assess your strengths and shortcomings.
Assess your thoughts and behaviors. This is a technique that will help you heal and function better.
It is important to allow your mind to rest, so that it can function better.

Think positively

When you feel that negative thought, STOP, just allow that negative thought to go.
In some cases, it will go away when you think positively. The key is to not hold on to negative thoughts, for too long.
By allowing negative thoughts to go, it allows the positivity to grow and replace it.
It is better for you to let go of negative thoughts, rather than to hold on to them.


Exercise has been proven to help alleviate stress and is a healthy alternative to it.
The benefits of exercise are long lasting. It will give you a good workout.
It is the best way to release stress, relieve pain and give your body a rest.

 Meditate on the positives

As you meditate, allow your mind to settle, relax, and think about what is good in your life.
A journal can be helpful to write down what you are grateful for.
* Listen to music. Relaxing music can be a way for you to release stressful situations.
Listening to music can be a positive solution to relieve stress and give you an uplifting experience.

You can use these strategies to help you cope with your daily stressors, improve your life, and lead a stress-free life.
Go ahead and try them out and see how they work for you. It is possible for you to lead a stress-free life.
I can assure you, it is possible. Just keep applying the techniques that you find helpful, and you will find it done.


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Wandji Nguemako
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