In marketing, better content creation is very important in the sales process.
Any information given to the prospects should
be based on better content creation we’ve produced. Why? Because people buy from
people they trust and resonate with.
The content they read influences their buying decision. In fact, the buyer must be able to compare
the value of your offerings to justify the “call to action” they take.

And you should always aim to create content that has value for your prospects and better yet,
resonates with their value system. Content is an incredibly powerful tool in the sales process because
it gets right to the point and focuses on the need for your prospects to buy.
Once they buy, you’re practically selling them forever!

As sales professionals, it’s our job to discover what it is that connects the people we’re selling to and
it’s then our job to craft copy that does this connection.

A famous copywriter had said years ago. “Content is the oxygen of marketing”.

Content is your brand

The fact is that content is your brand and your brand is your sales engine.
And the reason why is because if you have a lot of credibility, customers will listen to you and do what you say.
Because if you don’t have enough credibility, customers will simply ignore you and do what you do anyway.
This is of course if you’re good enough at what you do.

Better content creation and your value proposition

This gets us back to the need to write content that serves your “value proposition”.
Your value proposition is what your prospects and customers perceive you as being about.
And the best way to discover your value proposition is to write content that supports your values.

What you perceive your customers to be about is what they’ll perceive you to be about.

The challenge is that you need to write content that persuades and inspires
your prospects and customers to buy from you.

It’s been said that a lot of companies are doing a good job at designing content and
not doing a good job at generating conversion. We’ve come up with a list of ways to help you do this.

sales professionals

Let your prospects trust you

First of all, it’s crucial to understand that people are far more likely to read content that comes from a position of trust.
It’s far easier to trust someone that they came from a position of deception.
And so you need to build trust in your content as soon as you can.

The need foe better content strategy

This is where the content strategy starts. If you can trust your prospects and customers to read your content,
then you need to trust your keywords in your content. And your content has to be written in a way
that helps people convert to purchases.
The most important element in content writing is the call to action. It’s also a strategy that’s proved to
be very effective for companies like McDonald’s and Facebook.

The call to Action

The parts to the call to action.

1. The goal: The goal of the content strategy should be to help prospects and customers convert to sales.
As soon as you have this goal, then you need to ensure that you have all the right keywords
and phrases that can be used in the content.
You need to ensure that your keywords are natural, meaning they are not forced.
Firms like Facebook have proved that using natural keywords have been proven to encourage conversions.

This part of the strategy means ensuring that people see your content exactly how you want them to see it.
You also need to ensure that you have a good call to action.

You need to ensure that you have a clear call to action that can be interpreted by your prospects and customers.
When people are converting into sales, then you need to ensure that you give them
the exact products or services they want. In this way, you also ensure that you keep your content fresh and up-to-date.

2. Content creation: In order to write content that can help people convert to sales, then you need
to ensure that you use the right tools and techniques. I mean, you need to ensure that you’re using
the right content management system (CMS) to maintain your site. And to make content that helps people convert into sales,
then you need to ensure that you use the right keywords.

1. To write content that helps people convert into sales, then you need to ensure that
you use natural keywords and phrases in your content. To ensure that your content is natural,
then ensure that you use the keyword in all the pages of your website.
So, if you sell dresses, then all pages of your website should have the words ‘women’s dresses’.
And also, ensure that you don’t forget to include the terms ‘dresses’ and ‘sale’ in your content.

2. Ensure that you have a good call to action. To ensure that people do not bounce off your site,
then you should ensure that you have a clear call to action that can be interpreted by your prospects and customers.
For example, you may want to go here and write ‘learn how to get more sales from me’.

For additional resources, click here


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****Always consult with competent professionals for advise.****

Wandji Nguemako
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