Are you one that is looking for tips on how to get a great girlfriend? If you are, then you have come to the right place,
because the following tips are ones that will surely help you boost your chances of getting a girlfriend.
1 – Have confidence, be confident.
Have you heard the expression ‘about face: it’s a situation where when you go back to the same way
you were going before, it appears to be a 180 degree turn. That’s why you need to have confidence when
thinking about going for a girl whom you like.
A girl who likes you will be confident about you, so start by not showing her that you are desperate and not try to hard.
Girls have heard everything when it comes to having guys, so if you over do it and try to hard to hard it may give her
a wrong impression, that is why you should start with being yourself and show her you have confidence in yourself.
2 – Pick the right time to talk to her.
In order to get the girl you want, you need to be in the right place at the right time. This is also known as ‘key factor’.
You will need to be in the right place because if you start to go for a girl who doesn’t interest you,
it will appear very strange and you will not have the girl to rely on. If you want to get the girl, you will need
to know when she is available, where she is and when it is a good time to go for her.
This is known as ‘prediction’ and you will need to know it well in order to get the girl you want.
And when it’s a good time to ask her out, you will need to know the right time to approach her.
To get the girl you like, you will need to be confident enough to approach her in the right time,
and this is also what we mean by the ‘right place’ because if you are in the wrong time,
it will be too obvious and she will know that something is wrong.
It’s also a good idea to have the right amount of confidence to get the girl you like. If you are too confident,
it will look as if you are desperate, if you are too nervous, it will look as if you are out of breath or just flat out scared.
****Watch the Advance Dating Techniques video.****
3 – Having the sense of timing
And when you are in the right time, it is also good to know where the girl is. This is known as ‘prediction’.
If you show her in the right place and time, she will know that you are very confident in that place and time.
You will need to know the exact time and place in which the girl is available. This is known as ‘anchoring’.
This is very important because if you anchor a girl to the exact time and place in which you are confident and ready,
she will know that you are very smart and precise in time and space. This will show her that you are ‘available’.
If you anchor a girl to the exact place and time, it will show her that you are ‘prepared’. This is called ‘forcefulness’.
This is also used in the marketing and sales world to create attraction, it creates a feeling of uncertainty, or force,
that makes a girl wonder if you really are just being nice or really are available.
****Watch the Advance Dating Techniques video.****
The advance dating techniques
So now you have seen some examples of how you can use these techniques to get the girl you want.
The main question is what are these techniques, and how can you apply them.
Well, it is very simple, you start with your mindset. If you are not positive, calm, confident and
prepared to get the girl, then it will appear that you are needy, nervous, or just plain lazy.
So, your mindset should be calm, collected, confident, focused, and prepared to get the girl.
There are two things to focus on to achieve this.
The first is your thought process and the second is your action.
So, your thought process is to always be in the moment, at the right time, at the right place.
The moment you are in, you are just focusing on the right things to ask the girl about her life, her likes,
her dislikes, what she enjoys doing, and also what interests her about being single. By asking these questions,
it shows that you are focused, and it shows her that you are interested and prepared to meet her.
The second thing to focus on is to be forceful. Forcefulness is when you show that you are ready to meet
the girl and that you are willing to go anywhere that she and her friends decide to go.
By being forceful you are showing that you are manly, that you are fun and that you are not boring.
Getting her interested in you
There are three things that you can do to keep her interested in you.
The first thing to do is to keep her interested is to make her laugh. But, you have to make sure that
you aren’t being rude when you do this. No girl likes a rude man,
because it makes them think that you are not funny. So, you have to be careful when you are doing these type of things.
The second thing to keep her interested is to keep her entertained.
But, you have to do it in a way that does not make her think that you are a jerk.
The third thing to keep her interested is to keep her interested.
But, you have to do it in a way that does not make her think that you are being a jerk.
The beauty of these three things is that they show that you are a great guy and that you are interested in her.
This keeps her interested and makes her want you. So, when you apply these three things correctly,
you will notice how many women will be attracted to you. And, you will notice how many women will be interested in you.
That is because you have shown that you are a great guy and that you are interested in her.
This is the number one secret that you must master if you want to attract women.
And this is what is in the Advanced Dating Techniques course.
Watch the video.
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