We like to think that we’re really smart. Most of us wouldn’t dream of claiming otherwise, let alone openly boasting about it. But it’s true.
We’re pretty smart, but also quite capable of being slightly idiots in certain situations. The key is knowing when to walk away.
We think we’re quite sharp, but in some circumstances we’re so clueless that we might as well be morons.
And when we’re in a bar, some of us can be quite embarrassing. So here’s a quick guide on what to do in different situations. We hope it helps.
Always be yourself. The first thing is to be who you are. If you’re trying to make an impression, then come in a bit dim.
Nobody’s perfect. If you’re there to meet new people, then you’ll attract people who are doing the same.
If you’re there to get lucky, then why even bother? It’s for the young and beautiful folks. Go for the old and lovely folks.
If you’re there to socialize then there’s no need to call attention to yourself. You’re there for the purpose of socializing.
It doesn’t matter if people think you’re a bit of a twit. The fact is, you’re there to socialize and doing it in a
flamboyant way is a large part of that. It’s not for everyone, but if you’re not someone there to socialize, you’re better off staying away.
If you’re a bit of a geek then try not to look like a twit. People don’t judge you by the way you look, they judge you by what you do.
Dress appropriately, be clean and sober, and engage in activities that will engage you. Have an opinion. Be intelligent.
These are things that will attract people who share your interests. And these are good things.
If you’re into sports then go to the games. It’s okay if you’re not a fan of football, baseball or basketball. Find something you do like and
go to the games for that. Nobody will say “why don’t you just like one of those?” If you’re an atheist then find something you like that’s a religion.
Nobody cares if you’re not a fan of church bells or whatever. Go to the games. Do what you love to do and you’ll find people who share your interests.
If you’re just there to socialize and have fun then there’s no need to dress up. Wear something that’s clean, appropriate and sober.
Nothing outrageous or inappropriate. Just be yourself. Show that you’re there for the purpose of socializing, and that you’re fun.
If you’re an artist or writer or musician or whatever, you might want to consider taking a class or taking on a creative project.
Find something you enjoy and you’ll find people who love that. If you’re a teacher, you’ll find people who are interested in what you do.
And if you’re just there for the fun, you’ll have plenty of company.
Whatever you do, always do it with purpose. For example, if you’re an artist, maybe you can do a tattoo for a local organization.
You could paint a mural at a homeless shelter. You could help translate a message board into another language.
Whatever it is, find something you enjoy, something you’re good at, and do something with purpose. It will impress people.
Be smart. Don’t go around bragging about your accomplishments, even if you have a lot of them. They’re not impressive.
Think about it, you’re not Brad Pitt or George Clooney. People can tell when you’re bragging. And it will fail. But even if
you don’t have any special skills, you can still have a good time. That’s what matters.
Show people that you can have fun regardless of your accomplishments.
Be confident. If you have something to offer, someone to give it to, then get to offering it. But if you don’t, don’t worry about it.
People are busy. You can do your best to get in front of people as often as possible, but chances are you’ll fall short of your goal at times.
But don’t worry. Just get up, dust yourself off, and move forward. Being able to get up and get around shows confidence.
Be friendly. If you’re not sure about someone, why not start by being friendly? Ask him/her questions. Talk to them.
Ask them if they need anything. Find out what their plans are. Ask what they’re working on. That should get you on their good side.
It doesn’t have to be something big. It can be something as simple as asking them what movie they saw last weekend.
There are no rules. Just get out there and have fun!
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****Always consult with competent professionals for advise.**
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