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The Law of Attraction is one of the few laws that has the power to attract whatever you focus on – whether it’s money, love, health or happiness. Because it’s such a powerful law, it’s wise to learn it and harness its power. While it’s great to want more money, it’s even better to know how to attract it. Here are some simple steps to get you started.
1. Think about money.
In order to attract more money, you must first realize how much you already have. Think about all the things you own – things you’re thankful for, things you’re proud of. Focus on the money part, and then you’ll start to manifest it. See yourself with more money and feel the emotions associated with having it. Feel the difference it would make in your life, even if you already have plenty.
Yes, you must act. Action is the catalyst to your desires. The only way to get what you want is to act. Keep in mind that your thoughts will eventually manifest into reality, whether it’s in the form of a bill or a relationship or a vacation. Keep yourself feeling good about it. Feel excited about it. If you’re thinking about a new car, think about how great it will feel to drive it. If you’re thinking about a new computer, think about how cool it will look and feel to use it.
2. Visualize yourself having more money.
The more you visualize the more powerful it becomes. Use as much of your mind’s eye as you can into a vivid and detailed representation of your intention as though it were already true. Imagine how it feels to walk around with it. Buy a hundred dollar bill and make a point of holding it consistently throughout the day. Hold it next to your mattress or in your wallet or purse. Visualize spending it on whatever feels good. Imagine how it feels to spend it on a movie or a meal or a toy or a trip or whatever feels good. Don’t think about getting it or paying for it or having it. Don’t think about how you’re going to pay for it or making it happen. Just think about it and allow yourself to feel the emotion of having it.
3. Feel it in your gut.
Feel what it feels like to have what you want. Imagine what it would feel like to have it and then act as though you already have it. Let it be part of your daily life and allow it to be part of your intuition. Your intuition is a lifeline to your desires. It’s almost like your inner databank. Once you place your order with it, it delivers. And by placing the order with it, you’re telling it that you don’t want something else. That you want it now. You’re telling it that this is what you want.
Here’s the really great thing about all this. You don’t even have to know how to make money to attract it. You can just start by being grateful for the money that you DO have, even if it’s not much. When you feel gratitude, you’re telling the Universe that you want more of that and the Universe will comply.
By feeling grateful for the money you DO have, you’re also telling the Universe that you love it here, and that you want more of that, and that you appreciate it here. That’s why they call it the loving kindness of the Universe. It loves you enough to give you more. You’re attracting from it without any effort on your part.
4. Be a money magnet.
This one is for those of you who are trying to be a money magnet but aren’t getting what you desire. Be a money magnet for what you want. Focus on the act of being a money magnet. It’s not the kind of money that’s important. It’s the energy you’re giving out that’s important.
If you’re trying to attract money, then focus on the emotions of wanting and needing and craving and wanting and needing and trying to have and then watching for the evidence of having and of receiving and of receiving it. And then when you finally receive it, let it go. Be grateful for the money and for the experience of receiving it. Then return to being a money magnet for what you want. Don’t dwell on what you don’t have. And don’t give anymore energy to what you want. Give instead to what you want.
In the Law of Attraction work, the 4 ways are ways of focusing on what you want to attract in your life. You can take any of these 4 ways and use them consciously, or you can use them by default. The point is to use any of these 4 ways to become what you want to be.
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