When we talk about life changing, we are talking about big things like getting a better job, better paying job, or better money. We are also talking about small things, like quitting smoking or losing weight. These things may seem impossible at first, but with determination, you can do these things. What happened when you quit smoking? Did you get the cigarette equivalent of a lung infection? Or is it that you realize smoking is not for you anymore and now it’s time to make changes in your life?
When you wake up in the morning, what do you see? Do you see a clear picture of what life used to be like? Do you see a different job or job description that you’d love to have? If you did, it’s probably not too late to make those changes. Just give yourself a little time. If you can’t find that changed job description, or you’re too ashamed to ask for it, then ask for what you want to do instead of what you don’t want to do.
As long as you ask for what you want, you’ll be given what you want. So if you want a better job, then make a Facebook group about careers, or maybe create a LinkedIn profile for careers and add your profile information about you and what you want. Don’t make your LinkedIn profile anything other than what you want it to be. Otherwise, no one will be able to give you what you want.
Do what you have to do to create what you want. It’s called making your mind up and doing what you really want. If you don’t, then you will stay in your place. And if you stay in your place, you will never know what you really want.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms; the freedom to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, the quality of the mood produced by the emotion of choice.” – Viktor Frankl
Choosing your attitude when confronted with an opportunity is the single most important thing you can do to create the life you want. No other single action can improve your life quite like this. So choose your attitude now and make your mind up to do whatever it takes. Be willing to make the wrong choices, to be wrong, to fail, and to learn from your mistakes.
If you do this, you will have the quality of free will, which is a gift. It’s like getting the gift of immortality. When you live free you have the quality of making your own choices, of loving yourself and everyone around you, of attracting the life you want, of loving and supporting others, and of attracting the opportunity you want.
“To accomplish great things, one must sometimes go against the grain of his own intuition and lean into the unknown.” – Jim Rohn
Living free is a lean into the unknown. And you can only do that if you are able to take the full blame for the decisions you make. When you can accept that, then you are already living free. I don’t mean that as a praise. I mean it as a fact. Only when you are completely willing to accept the full blame for the decisions you make, only then can you start making decisions without fear. When you have that full blame, then decisions are decisions.
What you do is irrelevant, so long as you do it. If you have a habit of making bad decisions, then that is what you do. You take full responsibility for your choices and you do what you do because of your past habits. You have made a habit of procrastination, being a procrastinator, being a lazy bum, etc. Now you are going to change that bad habit and that bad habit is going to bring about positive change in your life.
You can start making decisions now if you are willing to do the opposite of what you have done in the past. No excuses. Just cause you have done it in the past does not mean you will do it in the future. You can choose to change. The only other option is to go back to your past decisions in the hopes that your past decisions brought about positive change in your life, and therefore you will now make decisions in the future that will bring about positive change in your life.
If you want to make decisions that will impact your future life, then you need to be a victim. Your future life depends on you making the right decisions. “In every battle you have the opportunity to win or lose, but it is not possible to lose the war” said Mahatma Gandhi. If you want to have a better life, then you have to start making decisions that are beneficial to you, and that will help you have a better life.
“The worst enemy of wisdom is fear – that frightfulness monster which paralyzes the body when the mind is silent” – Edmund Spenser
The worst enemy of knowledge is fear. If you are using your time on worrying about what might go wrong, then you are missing out on what can happen. If you are using your time thinking about what might go right, then you will succeed. Don’t let your fear of what might happen get in the way of your happiness.
“Everything that is worth doing is to which you are not prepared to give up one of your habits” – Martin Luther King Jr.
If you want to make a change, embrace change. Move past your old ways of thinking, and get in touch with your new ways of thinking. You have the power to make the changes that you want to make. If you stay in your old way of thinking, you will stay stuck. If you embrace change, you will grow. What you think it is possible to achieve, is always the case. Look at all the great people that have graced the earth and they all used their mind to achieve great feats.
That is what is possible. It is your responsibility to use your mind to achieve great feats. It will make you happy. It will make the world a better place. It will improve your health and well being. There is no better reward for putting your mind to something, than seeing it come to fruition.
Take a little time today to make a list of your goals and write them down on a piece of paper. Then take some time to think about them and decide what steps you will take to achieve them. When you are clear about what you want, then it is time to start taking action to make your goals a reality. Remember that you are responsible for your own mind, so you are responsible for what you do. So be responsible and happy planning!
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