To become a true optimist is not an easy road to walk, but if you get it right, you will walk it with joy!
Do you struggle with feelings of depression, hopelessness, hopelessness?
Are you constantly thinking about your lack of faith, confidence, and self esteem?
Have you developed any habits that feed your lack of faith, confidence and self esteem?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you are not alone.
In fact, you are just one of many millions who struggle
with these very same feelings. And do not worry, I am not referring to the millions of others
who struggle with self esteem and confidence issues. I am referring to you because you have started to take
some kind of action to address your issues, whether it be therapy, pills, or a bucket list item.
I have seen so many people struggle with their faith, confidence, and self esteem that it seems there is no action
that can be taken that doesn’t leave someone with some kind of issues. You have been through so many things to get
to this point and now you want to give up and just go on by saying that you are merely going through the motions.
I know people that have taken on so many bucket lists and they still struggle with their faith, confidence, and self esteem.
So how do you know that this is the direction you are going?
A friend once asked me this very question and I really wanted to give an honest answer. So I sat down and wrote it down for you.
The answer is simple and straight forward. The fact that YOU ARE WITHIN YOU. No matter what you have gone
through you are in your inner self. And the fact that you are not allowing yourself to feel that content you are in your inner self.
What we forget here is that you don’t get to choose what will manifest. That goes out the window with the “I can’t”.
So in order for you to be in your inner self you have to learn to let go of your “I can’t” and start manifesting what you want.
The reason why I say to start letting go of your “I can’t” is because it has been etched into your inner core.
This is something that you can’t change and therefore it goes out the window with the “I can’t” mentality.
So for instance if you were to wake up one morning and your biggest argument was to take a journey of a thousand miles.
That was always a can’t for you. No matter how hard you tried to push it out of your mind and heart.
It goes out the window with the “I can’t”. Because you can’t do that. Can’t travel a thousand miles. Can’t learn how to be happy.
So the question is how can you make your “I can’t” manifest? What you have to do is learn to accept that will never manifest.
So to begin with the first step is to first accept the fact that you cannot do that.
In that case it would be helpful to look at what you are manifesting, why you want it and then ask yourself
what will manifest from that. The answer might be “I want to lose weight” It might be “I want to be happy”
It might be “I want to write a book”. The answer might be something completely different. But the point is to get real clear on
what you want to manifest.
The next step is to look at how you can bring that realness into your world. If you are trying to manifest something
physical then that might be through diet, exercising, meditating, journaling, prayer, or just being grateful.
If you are trying to manifest something spiritual then perhaps meditation, journaling, eating fresh fruit,
or getting outside would all help you in your endeavor.
Are you manifesting your desires yet?
So in my entire life I have never succeeded in manifesting anything in my physical world by me sitting on
my hands and eating Cheetos. Yet I’ve failed countless times in manifesting spiritual things through me
sitting on my hands and eating Cheetos. So it is clear that it is possible to be successful in your goals by
focusing on what you want. But it is also clear that failure is not a outcome but a mindset.
And the mind can override everything. And in my career in helping others with their goals I’ve seen so
many people move forward without fail by learning the lessons of failure. They understood that failure is just
a mindset and you can overcome all mindsets, they are just excuses.
If you find yourself unable to move forward on your goal then start manifesting your dreams and your desires into
your physical world and watch as your success begins to manifest in to your physical reality.
If you find yourself getting everything wrong then look at the difference in your thoughts and emotions and change them immediately.
How would you go about achieving your dreams now?
One of the most effective things I do when someone tells me that they don’t know how to achieve something
is to ask them how they would go about achieving that something. Most people will say they would find someone
to help them achieve their goal, while a very small handful will say they would write it down and study it,
others will say they would get trainees to do it for them or they will just go ahead and do it themselves.
These people are those who want to have the excuses game but they don’t want to fail either.
You see it is a very strange thing when people want to have the excuses game but they don’t want to fail.
Most people want to fail but they don’t want to fail in the same way that many people want to win but don’t want to work hard in that way.
Or are you still playing the excuses game?
It is very important for those people who want to have the excuses game but don’t want to fail to realize that
they are not the same as those people who want to win but don’t want to study the lessons of their past failures.
The people who don’t want to study and then they don’t work hard or they work hard and they don’t achieve the goals
they have set for themselves because they aren’t willing to look back and to evaluate them.
If you are the type who doesn’t want to study the lessons of your past failures then it is important for you to set yourself up
to find your new goals and then you need to study the lessons of your past failures, set up your present goals and
then work hard to achieve them. It is your choices on what you will do from these past failures.
If you want to have the excuses game and don’t want to work hard then I suggest you sit and think about the lessons of your past failures.
It is the best thing for you to do because it is a great way for you to set yourself up for the future.
***Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable complete information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice.
By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances are we responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of the use of information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, —errors, omissions, or inaccuracies..***
****Always consult with competent professionals for advise.**
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