The world is filled with barriers that stand in the way of reaching our potential. Some are natural, some are cultural, and some are supernatural. To overcome these hurdles, we need to first identify and break through the wall of fear. This means understanding what limits there are in our life, determining how much pressure we are willing to put on ourselves, and eliminating the negative beliefs from our minds so that we can break through into full-fledged self-discovery and fulfillment.
What is a barrier?
A barrier is a physical, emotional, or psychological condition that prevents us from reaching our full potential. It may be a physical impediment like a health condition, a legal issue, a cultural or religious one, or it may be a psychological one such as doubt, insecurity, shame, guilt, or shamefacedness. There are many different types of barriers that can hinder us, including those that are natural, such as our thoughts or actions, and those that are cultural, such as the expectations people have of us and the way we are perceived by them. There are also many different types of barriers that are supernatural, such as spirits, forces, or diseases that stand in the way of our free will. When we identify and break through these natural and human-made boundaries, we can simultaneously expand and contract our minds to create a powerful energy field that surrounds us and protects us. We are then able to perform our best in the here and now and take control of our lives. This barrier-free state of mind is called the state of mind or QI.
Why does fear matter?
As we will discuss below, the reason why fear matters is that it is a boundary that prevents us from expanding our minds. When we understand how this barrier works and what we can do about it, we are then able to break through and reach our full potential. This means that the lessened fear that we have can have a powerful effect on our behavior and self-awareness. It also means that we are in a state of flow, which is a helpful state to be in during stressful times. When we are in flow, our minds are open and we are alert and conscious. When we are closed, our minds are closed and we are passive.
What does it feel like to have a wall around your heart?
Every one of us has a wall around our hearts that we are trying to push away. The most obvious one would be our emotions, but there are also physical barriers that stand in the way of this. This includes things like people we know or things that are near us that we might want to keep an eye on but are too ashamed to face. Like when we are in a rush or when there is something important that we need to do but are short-mindedly preventing ourselves from doing. Or there might also be a cultural or religious one such as someone who makes it a rule not to get pray or celebrate the new year because he or she is afraid of the dark or of the start of Lent. This could be triggers that make us feel like we have a wall up as well as triggers that cause us to feel as though we have a need to be there but are unable to do anything about it.
The power of visualization
When it comes to limits, we usually have two options: 1) We can accept them as they are and move forward without them or 2) We can try to visualize ourselves having the ability to do what we want and ignore the rest. In both cases, we are trying to breach the natural boundaries that stand in the way of our desires. In this case, we are trying to expand our minds to include the potential for more than what we could imagine. Both of these options involve creating a visualization of our desired outcomes. So if we want to be able to say that we have unlimited energy and that we can do anything we want, we will have to come up with a different visualization of how we are going to use this energy. We can also try to identify triggers that are causing us to feel confined and have a need to have these boundaries broken. This might be negative comments or images of ourselves being limited. Or it might be a belief that we are too small to complete tasks or that we are going to die if we are left alone. Whatever the trigger, we can try to visualize it as though it were a balloon that we would like to be able to push to the side so that it can be released at a later date.
Breakthrough myths and learn from them
1. limitations are not options.
We are not limited in what we can do or how much we can do it. All we have to do is to create an option in our mind so that we can push this barometer out of our way.
2. limits are a bad thing.
They are a sign that we are going to be limited in what we can do and what we can handle.
3. limits are a choice.
You can’t choose to be limited. You can only choose to break the cycle of being limited and expand the potential of being unlimited.
4. limitations are normal.
They are part of life and part of growth. They are what we are capable of if we just look for them.
5. boundaries are a myth.
They are a reality and a potential. When you try to push a boundary out of your mind, it is like trying to push a rock out of the water. You are not going to get it past the first couple of feet. Fragments of rock are going to be stuck in the mud for a long time.
6. limitations are nice.
They are a part of life and part of growth. They are what we need to survive and thrive in this lifetime.
7. limitations are a sign of weakness.
If we cannot handle something that comes up, it should be a sign that we need to work on our skills.
8. boundaries are a good thing.
They are what we need to stay safe, healthy, and out of reach of too much stimulation.
9. limits are a way of showing respect for others.
If we have a limit on how much or how often we can do something, it is a sign that we need to work on our respect for others.
10. limitations are a sign of lack of confidence.
If we cannot handle something, it should be a sign that we need to work on our self-confidence.
The key to overcoming any barrier is to identify one or multiple points of limit and break through them. Once you have identified these boundaries, you can begin to expand your mind to include new options and boundaries that will allow you to continue to do what you love and achieve your goals.
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