Facing our fear is a great way to really deal with our weakness. It’s also a great way to actually grow. Once we’ve gotten past our weak points, then we’re really on our way to greatness. We become better at the things we’re afraid of. And we start to actually do the things that we want to do. And this is a great cycle for us to start doing. Our life becomes more fulfilling.

The first step is to face our fears.
Take a few deep breaths and really allow yourself to face your fears. Then look at them. You might think twice about doing something that looks like it might hurt you. It’s OK to think some more. Then take action.

After you’ve gotten past your first fear, you could start to learn about them. You could also start to think about why you have those fears in the first place.

You could begin to examine your emotions when you’re around your fear.
What do you feel? What do you think? Then you could begin to create new habits of dealing with your fear. New words or ways to deal with your fear could start to arise in your mind. You might start to look at your fear as a blessing in disguise. It’s really just a new phase in life.

Fear is a very powerful emotion.
Once you learn to look at your fear in a new light, that emotion is then transformed into an indication that something good is about to happen. A new ability or skill that you’ll use often. And then you’ll begin to create a new routine to help you stay on track in your life. It’s a beautiful cycle.

Let your fears be what they are.
They’re just elements of your character that you create with your imagination. No one can exist without them. They are useful. They are just elements that allow you to understand yourself better. They aren’t why you are here. You aren’t here to deal with fears. You’re here to live life and enjoy life. Just be free. Be in the moment. And if your fear wants to keep you stuck, then just ignore it.

By not fighting your fears, you allow them to be part of your creation.
By allowing them to be just an element of your character, you become more conscious of them and able to deal with them in a constructive way. And by not allowing them to control you, you not only let them exist, but you also live with no sense of loss or regret because you let them exist. And because you let them exist, they gradually disappear. Because you let them be just an element of your character, they gradually cease to be a part of you. Eventually they become simply an element of your creation. And as they cease to be a part of you, they also cease to be a part of your reality.

That’s the beauty of this kind of creation.
You can let your fears be who they are. You can allow them to be part of your character and part of the character that you created. You can see them as simply an element of your creation and not a part of your reality. Because ultimately you are the one that creates your reality.

Now, if your character is flawed or flawed-ill-formed, that’s fine. As long as you don’t let it control you. As long as you allow yourself to experience every emotion that it causes you to experience and don’t let it overwhelm you, then it will disappear and not bother you anymore. Eventually it will dissolve and not be a problem anymore. Just allow it to be. And allow it to dissolve and not be a part of you.

You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.

And that’s where the second component of creation comes in.

The second part of creation, the part that allows us to be real, allows us to accept what we deny ourselves, allows us to love, allows us to accept what we never thought we could, allows us to have peace and contentment in our hearts, allows us to live our lives with honor and respect for ourselves and for everyone around us, if we allow ourselves to be ourselves.

If we allow ourselves to be ourselves, we will see that the imperfections in our characters aren’t defects. It’s merely what our soul chooses to do in that moment. Our perfection is in how we respond to that moment. That response can only be peace, not war. Our imperfections are our response to a violent world. Our imperfections aren’t an indictment of who we are. They’re just who we are, period. Our perfections, our soul’s perfections, our perfection, our essence, our truest character, is embodied in those imperfections. What we deny ourselves in this moment is a choice we’ve made. And that choice isn’t made in chaos, it’s made in the now. It’s made because we choose to ignore what we know and what we’ve always known in this moment. And that’s where our peace comes from.

If we can accept this is a violent world, then we can accept that the best thing we can do in this violent world is act with love, with truth, with kindness, with acceptance, with the one thing that’s undeniable, that hate is false, that violence isn’t the answer.

If we can accept that in this violent world we can only have peace, if we can accept this world’s imperfections, then we can allow ourselves to accept the gifts that are bestowed upon us through the peace that we bring to the world through our eyes, our actions, our thoughts, our feelings, our smells, our tastes, our textures, our everything.

If we can allow ourselves to accept and embrace this violent world, then we have the opportunity to make a peaceful world even more peaceful. We have the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. We can make an imperfect world even more perfect and we can make the world peaceful as well.

All we have to do is accept.

Wandji Nguemako
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