To be able to flirt with a man effectively, it is very important to keep up with latest trends. But you must never seem too eager.
This will simply make him uncomfortable. And you must never appear too confident when you flirt with a man. Confidence will make you stand out.
It is just the opposite that will kill your attraction. Do not appear to be the boss of everything. It is a huge turnoff.
And do not appear to be all over him. It is a big no-no. You only want to appear interested in him but you should only
show interest in him in the most natural way possible. That is the secret of how to flirt with a man.
To flirt with a man, always be positive and have a happy attitude.
Flirting is a celebration. Always be cheerful and upbeat. It will always make you more attractive.
Happiness is contagious and once you show a positive and happy attitude, you will send out vibe out there that
says I am interested in you. Flirting makes us happy. If you are smiling and showing enthusiasm and optimism,
you will automatically get a positive response from men.
Be honest. Flirting is also about being yourself.
In order to act the way you really are you must be honest. Make sure that what you tell is totally you.
If you are a shy guy, you must portray the attitude. That means you must be honest about your likes and dislikes,
your likes and dislikes, your likes and dislikes. You must show that you have very strong control over the situation.
Be more aggressive. If you are assertive, you will have a higher chance of attracting men. If you have strong control over a situation,
it will automatically show on your face and in your attitude. This will automatically make men more attracted to you.
Have good conversation with him.
Talking is a very important tool in flirting. It is the language that you use and the way you express it.
Don’t talk in a way that is crude or vulgar. A conversation is something that you can not skip. You must choose it wisely.
You must be conversational. Use the right words and topics. Use the right words and topics that makes sense.
If you skip this phase, you will look and sound sooo desperate. And men will think twice before approaching you.
Use the technique that makes you attractive.
Don’t over do it. As a rule of thumb, you should be conservative and simple. You must be simple and not showy.
It is very hard to flirt with someone who can make you feel uncomfortable or smile when you are feeling down.
So it is better to be simple. If you are someone who is good at cooking, then it would be nice to show that by being very good at cooking,
avoiding technical terms, avoiding saying things like I like your or What would you do if I was here, and using simple and neutral words.
Do not be too sweet or too chummy. This will make you seem fake and needy.
Have sense of humor.
Humor is always welcome in the conversation. Men love women who can make them laugh.
A sense of humor is a very important part of your flirting skill. It is as if you are someone who can make him feel relaxed and safe.
Don’t tease him too much though. If he gets the message, then move on. Have sense of humor is part of flirting.
You must always have confidence and self esteem. Be proud of yourself and your success. This is as a rule of thumb that makes you attractive.
You don’t need to do a lot to have confidence. You just need to be proud of yourself and your achievements.
Do not pretend to be someone else.
You must know who you are and stick to yourself. Pretending to be someone else will make him wonder if you are the real you.
There are people who pretend to be someone else just for the sake of others. You must be careful not to do that.
There are people who stalk you and spy on you just to know more about you. You must be careful not to give them any information about you.
They could do anything with that. They could use that to hurt you.
Do not be needy or clingy.
Do not be too dependent or needy. Do not become a little child. All of these are signs of someone who is
a little desperate or needy. Do not play the helpless role. Play the aggressive and daring role. Be a little tough love.
Do not play the dumb role.
This is one of the worst sins. All these are signs of someone who is stupid. Being stupid is not something attractive.
Being stupid is like sitting at the back of the class and not doing anything. It is like having an intellectual disability.
Most of the men prefer intelligent women. Do not become one of them. You can still find a man.
Do not be a push over.
Men like women who can stand up for themselves and tell them what they want to hear.
They also like women who listen to them and respect them. They like women who can get
along with them and can get along with their family and friends.
Do not be an emotional sponge.
Men like women who can show emotion only for important occasions. They do not like women who go around
with a crying jag on every day days. Men like women who can control their temper. If they see you whooping
every day and whooping like a goat and they ask you why do you are always so upset. you can tell them that you are a emotional sponge.
If you are a male the first response will be that you are a crazy woman. But it is not true.
Do not become needy and clingy.
Do not stand at the phone when the man is on the line. This shows that you are insecure and needy.
It is an uncomfortable situation. So try to find a way to let him know that you are interested and you would like to meet.
Also do not ask him questions on his business in every conversation. This shows a little bit of woman in you.
And is not the way to get a man to be with you.
Do not be too loud.
Do not scream when you meet a man. Men do not like women who are all out in their attraction.
Screaming and giving out loud showing of our attraction is a great way to get into a relationship with a man.
But it is not the way to make a man to be with you. And if you do, you will have his attention only for a short time.
Men do not like to be with a screamer.
After all in this game, it is all about posture. In al your encounters, if you remember this and maintain
your composure while remaining true to yourself, you will always conquer.
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