We have all had encounters with fear.
It may have been the fear of public speaking when you were asked to sing at school,
the fear of the boss who thought you couldn’t do anything right, the fear of losing your job
when you tried to pursue your dream, or the fear of asking someone out on a date.
Fears can strike when you’re up for promotion, or you’re on the verge of something big.
It may have been the fear of losing a loved one, or you’re fearful of losing everything you have,
due to cancer or some other form of illness.
We’re constantly faced with fears. You see, our minds don’t know peace.
These thoughts don’t recognize the Illusion as truth. So, when we’re constantly bombarded with them,
our mind tries to protect itself from the constant onslaught.
Fear protects itself. It’s the only thing that truly knows the nature of the Illusion.
Fear is a natural process.
It’s part of our survival. When we feel fear, our body raises the body’s “fight or flight” response.
We may feel an adrenaline surge, our heart pounds, our blood pressure rises and our muscles contract.
There is nothing wrong with this. It’s how the body knows that it has to act NOW, or we’ll be dead.
In this instant, we are able to think clearly and act appropriately.
These fights and flight responses are normal. They help us protect us from real danger. It’s how we stay alive.
As the fight or flight response is taking place, we’re able to tell that it’s not good.
It’s a red flag telling us to slow down, or else we’ll die. Just as importantly, we can understand
the thoughts that caused this reaction. We can understand that they’re the ones causing us to act.
The thoughts that are happening now, are the ones causing us to fear. Thoughts we can influence with a thought.
Your power over thought
We can stop it. We can tell our body to calm down, we can tell our mind to concentrate on something else,
or we can decide to take action and go for it. Everything can be stopped in this moment. It only remains
because we did not decide to continue. Everything stays because we waited for something to happen.
We wait for something to happen so we can jump in and do something.
We wait for something to happen so we can make a decision.
In this instant, we only exist because we decided to have an effect.
When we realize that we wait for something to occur before we can do anything,
that realization allows us to decide to act. We can decide to act now, or we can wait for something to occur.
We decide to act in this moment. We have all that we need to act.
The mind has all the information that it needs to decide to act.
Now, if we decide to act and we decide to act wrongly, then we have to correct ourselves.
The mind can be powerful and our incorrect decision can cause us to act incorrectly.
We need to correct our decision and reevaluate our decision.
As a result, we can find ourselves getting the results that we didn’t want.
If we get the results we didn’t want, then our incorrect decision had to be for a reason.
For example, if we get lost in the details and decide to take action now,
then we may run out of gas before we reach our destination.
The details in the details may take us away from our goal.
We may get lost in the details and decide to take action now,
but that decision may cause us to run out of gas before we reach our destination.
As a result, the details may cause us to act incorrectly, which causes us to create a wrong decision.
That may cause us to act in a way that is not in harmony with our intention.
“Everything happens as it happens.” -Arthur Charles Gimpson
The need for evaluation
So, we have to evaluate ourselves after each and every action and decide if
it was appropriate or inappropriate.
If it was inappropriate, we have to correct ourselves and move on. It is OK to be wrong.
The mistakes can be useful to learn from and grow from.
They are the experiences that teach us how to be in the present moment.
Each and every action must have an appropriate reaction.
The inappropriate reactions will show us what we need to change.
We have to accept that there are things we may need to correct in the future.
If we accept mistakes and mistakes as something positive that teaches us about ourselves and
about living a worthwhile life, then we are on the right track. The actions may be wrong,
but the responses are about right.
The power of mistakes
The power of a mistake is that it is a lesson learned from. A valuable lesson that guides us into a new direction.
The response that results from the mistake is more accurate and correct.
The response that is “about right,” is accurate and correct. An incorrect response is
always wrong because there is no way to know otherwise.
The power of mistakes is that they make possible a new path.
It can also be a point of power that helps us make the right decision even
if it causes a moment of discomfort. And the perfect response,
because it always results from the correct actions.
So, whatever happened was not about me or my life. It was about something deeper.
It was a lesson learned that can be a lesson to someone else.
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