If you’re going through a tough time at home,
you want to be able to stay calm so that you can keep going on with your daily routine.
You don’t want to go to sleep and have a bad dream. You want to wake up and have a positive, peaceful dream.
You want to be able to sleep peacefully each night, knowing that your worries are over and you are looking forward to the next day.
Oftentimes, people are going through stuff like a divorce and it’s tough for them to go to work every day.
They’d rather stay at home than go back to work. But, they need money.
So, when the time is right, they would take a job, hoping it would be temporary,
so they could make it through the divorce.
But, as time goes on, it becomes more and more permanent and they have to go back to work.
So, what am I saying? That it’s easier said than done? Yes, it is. It’s much easier said than done!
But it is possible to live the life you want.
It doesn’t happen over night, but it can be worked on over a period of time.
You have to want it badly. You have to put in the time. You have to stay accountable to yourself.
Most importantly, you have to be willing to let go of what’s not working and listen to yourself.
Just like a divorce. Just like any big decision.
There are many reasons why people get into bad relationships and why people divorce.
There are many reasons for people to stay in bad relationships.
There is nothing wrong with breaking up with someone who is not the person for you.
But, being afraid to take a step may be a sign of an unhealthy relationship.
An unhealthy relationship may mean that you don’t love yourself enough.
Letting go is not is but..
When that’s the case, you’ll always be uncomfortable when you try to make decisions and have a vision for your life.
You’ll always be worried about disappointing your partner or having your dreams interfered with.
And so, when you finally do decide to step away,
you’ll be unsure of what to do with your new energy and your new freedom.
You’ll be afraid to let go of your habits, your ways of thinking and living.
You’ll be afraid to leave the familiar and the safe.
And so your vision will be incomplete. Your plans will be underdeveloped.
And when you finally do step away from the relationship, you’ll find that your new energy and
your new vision is harder to maintain than you thought it would be.
It’s harder to avoid disappointment than you thought it would be.
Your vision will always feel like it needs more time to develop.
It’s time for a new vision
That’s because we tend to put a high value on what we’ve got.
We value what we’ve achieved and how we’ve moved in the direction of our goals more
than we value the places we’ve been and the lessons we’ve learned along the way.
And so when you finally decide to leave a bad relationship, your vision is stronger than your plan.
It’s stronger than your accomplishment.
You’ll be afraid to step away from a relationship that you’ve had for a long time and
that’s been the sole reason for your growth.
And so your vision will feel like it needs to remain where you are because it’s familiar and because it’s you.
Your vision won’t let you step out because of fears that are tied up in the deep inner parts of you.
Let’s try this exercise of letting go and letting God
So let’s go ahead and step out. Let’s step away from the familiar, let’s step away from the safe, let’s step out of ourselves.
Let’s just be free, be open, be able to love, to laugh, to trust, to be spontaneous, to be spontaneous in love.
And above all, let’s step out of ourselves for a moment. Just for a moment.
Don’t go any further than the point where you’re breathing is held.
Just sit, open your eyes, let yourself be as expressive as you can.
Write down the thought that seems to come to you. If you’re able to express it in writing, do so.
If not, then write it on a paper or document and burn it.
It’s all the same anyway, even the ashes, so it doesn’t matter what you burn it on.
It’s the act of writing that sends the message. The burning.
In acting on your vision, just be in the moment. Don’t think about the whole picture, just be and express the moment.
Be in the flow of the thoughts that come to you and just be in the experience of being in your vision.
And when it comes to being in the present moment, just be aware that the moment is here and now really is the only reality.
And when it’s time to look back, just remember the moment and just be aware of where you’ve been.
Then don’t think about the future, just be in the moment and be truly present.
And take that big step right now
When you’re ready to take that step, then do it, just be themselves in the moment and know that
they have come from the deep inner parts of you and are absolutely you.
And so there’s nothing else about them that is different.
And if you’re able to step out of yourself, then take that big step right now, because at that moment
the real you will be alive and well and strong, and you will be able to step out of yourself and
be able to love and be loved. And that’s the meaning of loving.
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