The Universe is inexhaustible and will provide you with what you desire. Just be sure to have a purpose for wanting what you desire.
You don’t necessarily need a extravagant desire. Just a desire of wanting will do. As long as your purpose is there and you keep
your mind focused on your purpose, the desire will soon be manifested in your life. It’s all about keeping your mind
on purpose and the Universe will take care of the rest.
You see, the Universe is just like a gigantic vacuum cleaner. It is designed to suck up all your negative energy, your unwanted
thoughts and emotions, and everything else that is not aligned with your true purpose. When your true purpose is truly aligned
with your deepest feelings, your deepest heart’s desire, your desire will soon be manifested in your life.
When your true purpose is aligned with your deepest feelings, thoughts, and emotions, your desires will quickly follow. So have a purpose. Always.
In order to manifest your desires, you must feel as if you have already received what you desire. This feeling must be accompanied
by an emotional vibration that is in harmony with the desire.
To become more aware of how this process works, begin by choosing one area of your life that you want to change.
Begin by choosing just one thing you would like to change about your life. Don’t make this a daunting task, just choose one thing and do it.
You will be amazed at how quickly your desire will be manifested in your life.
This is how you begin to vibrate with your desires:
1) Place your attention on the thing you desire to change. Don’t give any thought or energy to the other areas of your life that are not your desire.
You are saying, “I have none of these, so they don’t count.”
2) As you place your attention on this one thing you have chosen to change, it will shrink. You will find that small changes will become large changes,
and large changes will become small changes. The point is, don’t change anything that is not a part of your desire.
3) Gradually, you will feel a change. Your attitude, your vibration, will change. Soon, you will notice that you are excited about this one thing.
The Universe will send more thoughts, feelings, and circumstances in alignment with your desire, to help manifest your desire.
For those who want to learn more about The Law of Attraction in action, here are some great resources:
* There is an entire field of study in self-improvement and law of attraction that is focused on the ways in which individuals can increase
their vibration, thereby attracting and manifesting the life they truly desire.
* There are countless books, audio files, and online classes available to help you understand the Science of Things, the Law of Attraction,
and how to increase your vibrational frequency and thereby become magnetically attracted to the life you truly want.
* There are numerous Law of Attraction teachers available online to help you learn more about the Science of Things, the Law of Attraction,
and how to increase your vibrational frequency and thereby become magnetically attracted to the life you truly want.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
The Universe loves you.
It’s job is to bring you whatever you want and to create in your life whatever you feel strongly about. When you have a positive focus,
the things you desire in life seem to show up. When you have a negative focus, the things you want appear to disappear.
The Law of Attraction is always on. You can never shun away the Universe. The Universe has no such thing as shunting.
However, the Universe will send back to you what you consistently send out.
Thus, to continue our example, if you continually send out “I don’t want this or I hate this” the Universe will continually send
you more “I don’t want this” or “I hate this”. It’s like a giant mirror
that reflects back “I don’t want this” or “I hate this” without hesitation. But if you repeatedly send out “I love this or I want this”,
the Universe will then send you more things that you love or want.
The Law of Attraction states that you get more of what you repeatedly send out.
And if you get more of what you repeatedly send out, it would stand to reason that you will eventually get the same thing!
This is the Law of Attraction. The Universe acts like a giant mirror that reflects back to you the things you repeatedly send out.
So if you send out “I want more money”, the Universe acts like a giant mirror and returns “I want more money”.
However, if you repeatedly send out “I don’t want money”, the Universe will act like a giant mirror and returns “I don’t want money”.
It really works like that!
You can make the Law of Attraction work for you by first sending out the things you want in your life with feeling and conviction.
Feeling and conviction are extremely important because they are what the Law of Attraction acts upon. Thus, if you send out
“I don’t want to be poor”, the Universe will act on that vibration and will return more “don’t want to be poor”. But if you send out “I love being rich”,
the Universe will act on that vibration and will return more “I love being rich”.
If you get the feel of what you want, you will get what you want.
And once you get what you want, the Universe will act on your desire because you are in vibrational harmony with it.
The Law of Attraction is always working. Therefore, you need to stay in vibrational harmony with your desires and the Law of Attraction will make it happen.
There is a lot more to the Law of Attraction, but that is enough to make you want to apply it in your life for good. Now that you know the Law of Attraction,
you will be able to use it to make it work in your favor!
This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
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