Some scientists think that the Earth is entering into the sixth great mass extinction in Earth’s history.
Most geological scientists disagree, believing that the cycle has already been occurring for millions of years.
However, they believe that the sixth great extinction will not be as devastating as the previous ones because we are not populated yet.
The good news is that the sixth great extinction is not over yet.

World population and what it means

Earth’s population is currently approaching 7 billion. That is a lot of people. Unfortunately, a lot of them are hungry.
An alarming 8 in 10 children across the globe are undernourished.
The problem is not that the nutrients in the soils have disappeared. It’s that the nutrients are not absorbed by the children’s bodies.

To solve the problem, major investments are needed to modernize agricultural practices,
including crop rotation, hydroponic production and irrigation. These must be made across the board.
Investments are also needed in health and education services. Such investments can also create major growth and jobs.
One way to get these investments is to stop supporting the current industrial methods and invest in the new mass production methods.
Industrial farming currently consumes 2/3 of the Earth’s nutrient rich soils.
But new production methods can reduce this consumption to nearly 1/3.
So the nutrients in the soils can be conserved and the children’s bodies can absorb nutrients better than today’s industrial farming.

If farmers and industry invest in the new production methods,
the future population of the Earth can be conserved to support the present population.

world populationworld populationAdapting environmental to world population growth

One strategy is to grow more food domestically, for example, using vertical farms.
These vertical farms can reach heights of nearly 3 miles. They can grow almost twice as much food per acre as today’s current farms.
The current agricultural practices require massive amounts of water and other inputs. Such inputs are wastes.
Yet these practices require virtually no inputs. Therefore the nutrients in the soils can be conserved, and the soil can be better suited to sustain life.
Another strategy is to use bio-dusters in conjunction with vertical farms.
Vertical farms with bio-dusters can reach heights of approximately 5 miles.
Bio-dusters can suck the air out of the air spaces and turn it into fresh air. Thus eliminating the need for large amounts of fresh air.
This also eliminates the need for costly fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Bio-dusters can create more productivity per acre than currently possible.

world population

The basic premise behind bio-dusters is that if we bombard the atmosphere with sterile air, we can keep nutrients in the soil.
A basic premise of modern agriculture is that nutrient rich soils can be sustainably farmed only if massive amounts of water are also applied.
With this in mind, we come to the question of how much water do we need to sustainably far a particular crop?

There is little doubt that the earth is becoming desertified, and we see it clearly in
the growing desert areas in places like Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. What is less clear is what to do about it.
A basic premise of modern agriculture is that if you protect the crop from the wind and sun,
you can feed a population on manageable lands, or more. This is known as the Bachmann’s Law.
Bachmanas Law is the idea that if you cover a crop with a windbreaker or cover it with a large physical barrier, it won’t grow as much.
The concept is that the wind will break down the barrier, and the crop will produce more.
Bachmanas Law is the reasoning behind covering an entire field with windbreakers or wind turbines to boost crop production.
This concept is based on the premise that we want to grow crops that can be covered
with windbreakers or wind turbines to protect them from the harsh elements. Therefore, we need to protect the crop.

Need for improvement in agriculture methods

There no reason to argue that the premise behind Bachmanas Law
should be we need to protect the crop from the harsh elements.
We can accept Bachmanas law, as it makes sense, and is very economical.
It is proposed we don’t accept this proposition, as the world certainly doesn’t
need more pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and damaging agricultural practices.
We need a paradigm shift in agricultural practice to shift Bachmanas Law. There must be an easier alternative.
I propose we use the same principles that protect the crops against wind and
rain from covering the entire crop in windbreakers to protect the crop.
This same principle should be used to protect us from the harsh weather conditions outside
and the sun’s harsh rays inside the farmhouses.
The sun’s rays are very harmful to us inside the farmhouses. It will cause our skin to burn and peel. This is also true for a metal roof.
Therefore, we need a way to protect us from the sun’s harsh rays inside the farmhouses.

Here are some ideas on ways to achieve this goal.

1. Use a metal roof on all or part of your farmhouses. If you use metal roofing for your farmhouses,
make sure you use a metal roof that is highly reflective. This will reduce the sun’s harsh rays.

2. Consider taking steps to prevent the sun from coming inside your farmhouses.
Install weather stripping around windows and shutters. Install weather strips above and below the high windows.
Consider installing sunshades for the sloped roof. Consider installing screens to cover
the openings above the windows, especially when the sloped roof is not sloped toward the east.

3. Build the house on a large hill or hillside so that sunlight is not blocked as it comes in
through the south or west windows. Look for an open sky side.

4. Provide adequate space and protection for the house plants. If your house is not built on a hill or hillside,
consider placing an additional piece of roofing on the south or west side of the house for added protection of the house plants.
5. If your house is on flat land, consider setting back an additional piece of roofing on the south or west side of
the house to provide protection for the house plants. Look for roofs with good adhesion properties and durability.

6. Avoid having your house plants root in wet roofing materials.
When planting your house plants, make sure to keep the wetting agent away from the plant roots.
If you have the time, try to plant the house plants close together so they can share their nutrient needs.
This will prevent having to take the plants in from the garden.

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Wandji Nguemako
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