Marketing and sales for many businesses is an ever present struggle.
Whether you are a small business struggling to get by or a large business, you can learn from the best.
That is, I will tell you what not to do. But first, here’s why marketing and sales are so damn hard.

The biggest reason marketing and sales is so damn hard is that we humans are much better at
reacting to a stimulus than we are at planning and implementing a response. Yes, I’m sure you agree.

When you meet someone for the first time, you’re probably super attracted to them.
You search for signs of intelligence, attractiveness and health.
You immediately respond to their body language, tone of voice, their use of words, the way
they hold themselves, the vibe you feel from their clothing, etc.
All these things tell you about their character and health.

The challenges of starting a business

Now, when you start your business, you’re probably super attracted to the idea of
the money and control it can give you. You search for any little way to show you are in control.
You automatically respond to the opportunity to sell yourself and your products.
You automatically respond to the sales pitch of your potential customer with your words and actions.
You automatically react to their questions and needs with your questions and needs.

And as you work on marketing and selling your business, you automatically react to the
challenges your customers and clients might show. You automatically respond to their needs with your
knowledge and information, with your knowledge of competition and how your products or services can help them.
You automatically adjust your ideas about your products or services to fit their needs.
You automatically prepare yourself to give them what they want and send them what they send.

office workerAT the office

The struggles of marketing and sales

And because of this automatic adjustment, you struggle.
You struggle with all the details of your products and your services. You struggle with your price.
You struggle to make your marketing and sales message clear and compelling.
You struggle with the content of your sales letter and the benefits of sharing only the important bits.
You struggle to tell your story and present your products and services clearly and concisely.
You struggle with the copywriting.

When you finally get them to buy, you struggle with the burden of the money,
the responsibility of the closing, the stress of the job, the guilt of closing, the regrets of not getting
them to buy sooner, the guilt of not getting them to buy more, the inability to thank them enough,
the shame of not getting them to buy sooner, the guilt of not spending more, the unwillingness
to admit you were wrong, the inability to explain the lack of response in different places,
the inability to measure results, the struggles with the cost/benefit analysis, the struggle to manage the
time left in the appointment, the struggle to keep the appointment with your client, the struggle to know
what else you can do to close the sale, the struggle to keep the client happy, the struggle to make a good exit
with the money you are allowed, the struggle to make money in every aspect of your business.

The reality of the economy

This is a tough world we live in and this is a tough economy.
But this tough economy does not mean you have to give up.
If anything it means you have to pick up the struggle and work even harder. Because if you don’t do this
you don’t have a chance in hell to win. In fact in my opinion you have a very high chance of losing.

This economy is forcing us to take a much closer look at each and every marketing tactic we have,
as well as each and every sales tactic we have.

As we do this we are going to have to be brutally honest with ourselves and also have
to get over some of the marketing myths we have about marketing.

Myth #1: I don’t have enough capital

I don’t have enough money to market my business and I am not going to get rich doing this.
I disagree with this myth. My opinion is that you always have to market your business and that
no matter what you do you always have to market your business aggressively.
I believe you must go out into the world, network aggressively and go out and acquire clients aggressively.
However, in this economy the clients you acquire should be like the gold standard.
These clients should be the ones that you look for when you are struggling and
these clients should help you stay afloat.
It is my opinion that the ones that can help you stay afloat are the clients
that are worth more to you than your life savings.

Myth #2:  I can’t afford to advertise my business.

Never believe this myth. You should always have the money to advertise your business.
Once you get the money together you need to market your business aggressively.
You should always be looking for more clients. I do believe in this economy you need to be creative with how
you advertise your business. I don’t believe you should always advertise like you were in the Depression.
The internet is a great way to market your business. The thing is, you need to make sure that the methods
you use work for you and your budget. Make sure you do it in a creative way that helps you acquire more clients.

Myth #3: I don’t have enough money to advertise my business.

Never believe this myth. The thing is you don’t have to spend a fortune to advertise your business.
I believe you can always network your business and network intelligently.
As I mentioned earlier you should always be looking for more clients.
Once you’ve got your initial clients and on the go tos, you should seek out more clients intelligently.
Make sure you are identifying your ideal client and go out networking intelligently.
It is all about identifying and go out and networking and following up on those conversations.
These things will go a long way to help you build your business.

Earn with Neil Patel

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Wandji Nguemako
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