You may be wondering, “Who would want to use the microwave for cooking?”
One reason is that there is a process that has been discovered,
and will help you learn how to prepare food using the microwave.
The other reason is that most people do not know how to use it, or that they do not know how to cook food in it.

Cooking food using the microwave may seem daunting, and it can be,
but there are methods that you can use to help you.
There are only three basic methods of microwave cooking,
and you can utilize these three methods to help you prepare food in the microwave.

Boiling Food

This is the process of cooking food by immersing it in boiling water.
It is the process that you have most likely used to prepare food in the microwave.
This method is pretty simple, you just put the food into a microwaveable container and tell it to boil.
Once it starts boiling, you turn off the microwaves and wait for it to cool.
You do not need to do much more than that. Some foods require that you wrap it tightly,
so that you can avoid steam and overcooking.

Microwave in the kitchen


This process involves cooking in liquid. It is the process that you have most likely used to prepare food in the microwave.
It is a lot more involved than boiling, because you have to take care to allow the food to simmer in the liquid.
When the food is finished simmering, you should remove it from the heat source, cover it up,
and let it stand for a number of minutes. You will know when this process is done when the food
has become tender and cooked when the texture has changed. You do not need to do anything other than wait.


You can try this process to cook food in the microwave. It has the same pros of boiling,
but the con being that you must hold the food in a towel to prevent it from burning.
It is the process that you have most likely used to prepare food in the microwave,
except that you have a steamer that you hold in the water bath to which you have added salt and flavoring.
You tell the food to boil, you tell the steamer to move over, and after a few minutes,
you can take the steamer out of the water, and it will maintain the heat and let you know when the food is done.


This process has been discovered and developed by a company called Raymar.
This process is perfect for cooking meat, poultry, and fish. The only differences are that you have to allow
the meat a while to finish cooking before you take it off the grill, and you need to season the meat after it is cooked.
Most people tend to use just salt and pepper for flavoring, but you can use garlic, onion, rosemary, and other spices if you choose.
The one main difference is that you have to cook the meat over a higher heat.

Eating, of course

I hope you have enjoyed this guide for cooking food in the microwave.
As you can see, there are lots of ways to prepare food using the microwave.
It really is up to you how you want to prepare your food.


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Wandji Nguemako
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