When it comes to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. Your vibration is the same as the vibration of what you’re attracting. So as you vibrate, that’s what you’re attracting. So by learning how to use the Law of Attraction to attract what you want, you can vibrate with the things you want.
The Law of Attraction is a universal law that has been around for centuries. It states that like attracts like, meaning that we are always attracted to what we are already in harmony with. This means that when you want something, you need to be in a place of feeling that it is possible for you to have it.
Learning how to use the Law of Attraction can be quite a challenge. If you think about it, it’s like learning how to walk. No one taught you how to walk because you didn’t have to. You’ve always been able to walk without really being able to walk.
So what makes it easier to learn how to walk than to learn how to be abundant?
Learn to release what’s blocking you
You simply have to stop blocking yourself. You block yourself because you don’t know where you’re going or who you’re going to meet. You don’t know what will happen next. You don’t know how.
These are your blocks. You need to let them go. Allow yourself to know where you’re going and what your next steps will be. Be open to meeting someone, so you can let go of them. You can only know what you’re able to release. The more you resist the things you’re blocking, the more you’re going to experience the things you’re blocking. The more you suppress, the longer you’re going to experience it.
Using creative visualization
The easiest way to release these blockages and get into alignment with the Law of Attraction is through visualization. When you visualize, you’re tapping into the energy of what you want. So imagine what it feels like to live your desires. How does it feel to have the life you want? How does it smell? How does it look? When you can do that, you’re sending out the vibration of your desires and aligning with them. The more you can experience what you want, the faster you’re going to attract it. The more you can imagine, the clearer you’re going to see it, the clearer you’re going to feel it, the clearer you’re going to hear it, the clearer you’re going to smell it, the clearer you’re going to look forward to it and so on. You’re sending out the frequency of your desires. The faster you send out the vibration of what you want, the faster you’re going to experience it.
The 3 Steps of Manifestation
1. Choose Something You Want to Have
Firstly choose something that you want to have, this is the first step in the Law of Attraction. Most people find it easier to work on having what they want to have first. For example if you want to have a better job, choose something that feels better than your current job. This is the easiest way to open up the creative side of your mind. If you’re wanting to make more money, choose something that feels better than the amount of money you have now.
2. Imagine What It Would Be Like If You Already Had It
Now imagine this dream outcome for yourself. Imagine how it would feel to have what you want. Imagine how happy you’d feel. Imagine how good you’d be at your job and at your job of the perfect match to your talents and skills. Then let it go and do nothing about it. This step is often the hardest for people to do. You’re probably thinking “if I don’t have this or that by some random date in the future, what’s the point?”. Well here’s the trick. Think about what you don’t want so much that you just let it go, then ask yourself “so what do I want?” and keep it simple. This step is where a lot of people fall through. They keep thinking about how they don’t want something and they end up thinking about how they don’t want it even more. Don’t get stuck on the how. Keep the focus on the subject so that the universe can work its magic.
3. Allow It Into Your Life
This step is vital. You can’t just wait for what you want to manifest. You can’t just say “hey I want this by some date in the future” and then wait. You have to allow it into your life. When you allow it into your life, you’re allowing it into your life faster. You’re allowing it into your life because you’re expressing gratitude that it’s already manifested in your life. You’re expressing thanks to the universe that it’s already taken a form that you’re comfortable with. That the form that you’ve chosen is already a perfect match to your talents and skills. When you allow something into your life, you’re allowing it into your life because you’re relaxed about it. You’re expressing joy and gratitude for it’s manifestation.
The three steps are the foundation of all manifesting. If you can master these three steps you can master the law of attraction.
The Law of Attraction works on the principle of “what you put out you shall get back”. If you are grateful for what you already have, the universe will bring you more things to be grateful for. If you are grateful for what you don’t yet have, you shall receive things to be grateful for. This is the Law of Attraction.
As you can see, it’s a simple process but it does require practice and commitment. So when you set goals for yourself, choose to achieve them by setting them by allowing them to be manifested by using the three steps outlined above.
The Law of Attraction is always at work, however you choose to use it.
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