Is the light that comes to us from the Universe pure and clear, or filled with distortion and misinterpretation?
I believe the answer is yes and no.
Here is the positive side of the Light, that if we listen carefully we will hear the very essence of what we are to be and do.
All we need is the Light of the Universe to guide us.
But here is the negative side of the Light, that any external sign of clarity and truth may be interpreted as a negative by ourselves or by others.
What do I mean by this?
If someone is constantly saying they want to be a good person, I might believe them and presume they mean they want to do good things.
After all, that’s what a person’s motivation is supposed to be.
But what if the motivation was something else? What if the person simply wanted to be out of control and live a life of pain,
suffering, shame, humiliation and dishonesty?
Would anyone still believe them? And how would that change anything?
What if the motivation was simply wanting to make a buck? What if the motivation was for personal gain?
What if the person only believed that because of money they would receive something of value in return.
What if this person simply wanted the attention and acclaim and couldn’t care less about the result?
The Light is supposed to be pure and clear. Yet the reality often looks more like my TV channel 25 on a cable box.
For what ever reason, we choose to filter the Light from our consciousness. And just because we have the Light doesn’t mean
we have to expose it to external distortion.
Here’s the formula… Light = Consciousness + Intention = Being and Doing Right.
My intention is to get clear.
To do right. Is that clear? Is my consciousness pure? How will I know it is pure? I have to pay attention.
My intention is to do right. I put forth a good deal of mental energy and strive to do right.
So if I am conscious of my intention, and focused on doing right, and doing right with my conscious energy,
then I am pure. I am good. And if my consciousness and intention is pure, then I will receive good.
My intention is the key.
Conscious intent = Pure.
Intention = Mental energy x Focus = Results.
Consciousness = You.
Mental energy = This mental energy can be directed like a laser beam into doing right.
What is the result?
The result is what you focus on and focus upon. It is what you focus on and you get results.
It is the result that is more important than the intent.
My intent is to get clear, to be pure, to do right.
How does that manifest? By living in the present moment with my consciousness and my intention,
in relationship with what I see with my eyes.
What is the result of dwelling on what I think I want. It is like a magnet. It attracts the opposite of what I want.
It attracts what I DON’T want. So if I am focused on what I don’t want, then I am stuck and trapped in what I DON’T want.
And when I’m like that, I start to feel lonely, alone, frustrated, depressed, unfulfilled, and empty.
And that means I have failed. Because I am using my mental energy to attract feelings that aren’t me.
That means I have to change my focus. My focus has to be on doing right and positive, and doing right, and doing right,
and concentrating on my mental energy directing it to results. That’s when I feel free, that’s when I get results,
and that’s when I live happily ever after.
How to live in the present moment
I am not saying that I want to end up in a wonderful place, with wonderful people, and wonderful things,
and wonderful experiences. Not at all. I do not want that at all. What I am saying is this. If I am being true to myself,
if I am using my mental energy to focus on results, I will be in a wonderful place.
That’s what I want. I want to live in the present moment, with my consciousness and my intention,
in relationship with what I see with my eyes. And I think that’s what everyone wants. It’s simply what we DON’T want.
We DON’T want to be stuck in the past, in painful emotions, in limiting beliefs, in perceived failure.
We DON’T want to be in the same place with our positive intention, and focus on what we’re doing NOW and
what we are becoming, and what we will be.
We choose to be in the present. And we are free when we are, and focus on that.
That’s when we are truly alive. That’s when we know joy.
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