What a woman wants from a man is very simple and straightforward.
And yet misunderstood by men in general. What a woman wants from a man is connection.
What most men don’t know about dating is that most women want to be able to connect
with a man at a deeper level. hat a woman wants from a man is to be strong man,
a man who can show them love at a deeper level than most men can.
What a woman wants from a man is to feel a strong connection with him, a connection with a alpha male.
The reason for this is because most men don’t know how to do this.
They may be good with women, but they don’t know how to relate to women on a deeper level.

What a woman wants from a man is confidence

Women want a man who has incredible confidence, and they want this from a man because
women don’t want to feel afraid in a relationship. A woman has heard the phrase “you’ve got nothing to
be afraid of” and she knows that’s true, but women do want to feel safe and certain. The same is true for men.
Men don’t usually know how to relate to women on the same level. Most men only know how to be confident with women.
However, the one thing that almost all men cannot do is connect with women on a much deeper level
than most women can. In this deeper level of connection, there is a connection between the man and the woman,
the woman is open to the connection and is enjoying it. This is the experience of the alpha male.
This is the experience of the person who is at ease in a relationship.

Are you the alpha male?

The alpha male is the man who can connect with women on the same level as women.
He can show a woman she has a connection with, that she has a connection with her man.
It is the experience of a man who has all the answers. He knows what he wants and how to get it.
The woman is open to this kind of leadership because she trusts this man in her life.
This is how a great relationship starts. She will be able to give the alpha male access to her life and feel secure.
She will follow him because she trusts his capabilities.

The confident man gets the dance

It is the alpha male who has the confidence with which he can ask a woman out.
This is a man who can confidently approach a woman and find out her desires and fulfill them.
There is a comfort with himself when he is confident in his interactions with women.
This kind of confidence is shown when the man gets to determine what a woman wants.
Women will be open to this kind of leadership because they can trust that a man will know what is best for her.
It is the experience of being in a relationship where the woman knows she knows the man in her life is happy.
Women will be happy in a relationship.


Or are you the beta male?

The beta male is the man who feels insecure with a woman.
He will have a great deal of inner doubts in the way that he interacts with a woman.
He will have doubts if he will have the ability to get the relationship going.
The relationship will start in the same way a relationship usually starts.
With a lack of confidence and experience in a relationship. When he does interact with a woman and
is comfortable in a relationship it will take time to develop to a higher level.

Because he is unsure of himself in his interactions with women the woman has the upper hand.
The woman will give him access to her life so that he will not feel so insecure and self conscious.
He will start to feel more confident and safe with her because she is willing to open herself to his
leadership and he will be willing to give her access to his life. This relationship will be a strong one because
both know what is best for themselves. They know their desires and they will respect the needs and wants of each other.

Insecurity versus confidence?

This will be a strong relationship because they will know their needs and wants and it will be a healthy
relationship because both will respect each other’s needs and wants.
The woman will feel safe and secure in the relationship because both know their needs and wants.
The woman will have access to his inner world and see what is important to him and will be able to satisfy those needs.
In this way the relationship will have a very high vibration. The beta male will not be satisfied with the
relationship because the relationship doesn’t have its own life and is afraid to be something it is not.

He will feel insecure and will not have a life. He will make up stories and will make up needs to make himself feel secure.
Women know this and it drives them crazy. Women are attracted to men who know their needs and wants.
They will meet his needs and satisfy them and then he will feel secure and have a life.
That is the way it will work with a woman. It does work but it takes practice.
It will not work if you don’t know your needs and wants and if you don’t have confidence in yourself to satisfy those needs.
If you don’t know what you need from a woman you will not find a woman to satisfy those needs.
The man will try to satisfy his needs and the woman will satisfy his wants.
This relationship is going to be a strong one if you understand your needs and wants and are able to satisfy them.

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Wandji Nguemako
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